Hi all,
I just bought an FrSky Taranis for my quad copter and needed to get the Mavlink data up on the Taranis LCD telemetry display. So here is my solution using a Teensy3.1 as a converter between MavLink and the S.Port on FrSky X8R.
See attached file below...
Sorry Rolf, I didn't see this message, only when decided to report on the previous issue.
may be via a custom switch+custom function and show a bitmap graphics+ play a wave file?
I think everyone could do whatever he prefers as long as the code is received by Taranis :D
also, would it be possible add a direct pass through of the APM mode code to taranis? there are some beta flight modes with numbers ranging above 13.... for example I like to fly in the beta "hybrid" mode which, even though is still a beta, offers valuable advantages but its number is 14. search "hybrid mode" on this forum for more info.
Shweeet, got mine working. This is awesome!!
Thanks so much for sharing!
I found it here:
Ok, here is what you can do,
declare variable ap_severity=0;
in the MavLink_FrSkySPort.ino file, add in the MavLink_receive function:
ap_severity = statustext.severity;
Now you can use the returned value ap_severity to set an output depending of the value
ap_severity is sending 0x01 (MAV_SEVERITY_ALERT) when battery drops under failsafe level.
statustext.text is reporting "Battery Low!"
Hi Rolf, i found under:
MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING = 4 Indicates about a possible future error if this is not resolved within a given timeframe. Example would be a low battery warning.
Can you tell me how I can query that?
In which file? Is it in the MavLink library or in the APM autopilot code??
I can not find anything. However, the MP reports the undervoltage.
I think it's somewhere in "severity levels used in STATUS TEXT messages"
Hello Rolf,
can you help me?
I want to query the failsafe state.
In fact, I would like to query a "Battery Failsafe" and then turn on a LED.
I'm not sure that there is a Mavlink message with the failsafe info from APM (maybe some can help on this)