Analog ports 0 to 5 free on APM 1?

Can I use analog 0 to 5 of the APM 1 that are located close to the USB freely or are they already in use? The expansion ports (analog 6 and 7) aren't enough to connect all my sensors.

I did notice this wiki page about battery measurements that uses analog 0 or in case of the special sensor analog 0 and 1. I couldn't find anything about the other ports.

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  • Admin


    I believe that you can use the Atmel processor ADC inputs on the APM1.x/Oilpan as the ArduRover2 code is using ADC A(0) for the IR sensor input for obstacle detection. I believe that Tridgell, our programmer, stated that those ADC inputs were available for use as long as they were not being used for battery voltage/current measurements.



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