Analog RSSI from cheap 915MHz radios

I would like to build a stand-alone telemetry tracker based on the analog signal strength of the incoming signal. I plan on using a relatively large DISH antenna or 4 YAGIs, and 4 receivers .  The signal strengths would be tested against each other, and the antenna would be turned accordingly.  In order to do this, I need 4 or 5 inexpensive 915Mhz receivers that output analog RSSI data.  

Does anyone know of such receivers, or know of a modification?

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  • OpenUAS said:

    Si1000 based modem with SiK opensource software the 3DR "clones" see

    So you asked for analog RSSI, good on the Nice RFD900/868 there are I/O pins left else on those $20 cheap modem one has to solder a wire to an I/O pin on the Si1000. I recall in the source ther was "AT+P=x set power level pwm to x immediately". Make sure you disable dynamic TX power levels BTW.

    Have some 6 Xtend gathering dust,  they have analog RSSI pin, send me a PM you can have m for free.

    XBee's also have PWM RSSI out... Also there I have quite a bunch you can have.

    I would love this!  I tried to PM you but couldn't because I'm not your "friend".  

    Analog RSSI from cheap 915MHz radios
    I would like to build a stand-alone telemetry tracker based on the analog signal strength of the incoming signal. I plan on using a relatively large…
  • Si1000 based modem with SiK opensource software the 3DR "clones" see

    So you asked for analog RSSI, good on the Nice RFD900/868 there are I/O pins left else on those $20 cheap modem one has to solder a wire to an I/O pin on the Si1000. I recall in the source ther was "AT+P=x set power level pwm to x immediately". Make sure you disable dynamic TX power levels BTW.

    Have some 6 Xtend gathering dust,  they have analog RSSI pin, send me a PM you can have m for free.

    XBee's also have PWM RSSI out... Also there I have quite a bunch you can have.

    SiK Radio — Advanced Configuration — Copter documentation
This reply was deleted.


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