Hard to believe perhaps, or not. When I think of the military, part of me thinks of MASH, the TV show. This is not to say that I disrespect the military, I have nothing but respect for those who sign up and put their sacrifice for this country. Like every other aspect of technology, there are and will be screw ups. There lies the moral of this story.
When I first got interested in drones, it was with the Phantom 2 Vision Plus. The word flyaway became attached to it for reasons not much different then this story. The Ground Station got disconnected and suddenly, no more drone. The biggest punchline is the price,: $1.5 million dollars simply vanishing into mid air.
Perhaps the best part is is that this is an anatomy of the missing drone or how I left to disappear from the military on a 72 hour reprieve. Thankfully, there is a happy ending to this story.
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