Another Easy Question

Has anyone out there in APM land been able to successfully log GPS data?  I am logging several messages succesfully, but the GPS message always comes back with zeros in all its fields.

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  • No problems logging anything at the moment so I'd guess its something up with your setup. Could be your APM_config.h or it could be module.
    Could we have further details to your setup? Would help testing your end if we knew what you had to spare.

    To check my system I put it on my window sill powered off the USB and check my emails. Bring it back in and read the log. After you turn on I've found it can take one or two minutes for everything to go to the happy lights. For correct LED behaviour go HERE the description in the text is a little vague so scroll to the comments for a larger version. If your light don't do that something is wrong.
  • 3D Robotics
    Dean, I think you've got a problem with your specific GPS module. If I'm not mistaken, it's not showing up in the telemetry stream either? If so, that's not normal behavior.
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