Any smaller alternatives to the stock Pixhawk buzzer?

I'm interested in replacing the stock Pixhawk piezo buzzer with something smaller but after a lot of time looking, I can't seem to find any specs on it. The schematics on the website show the buzzer's LT3469 driver circuitry but don't seem to mention the buzzer itself.

Anyone use any smaller alternatives or at least  know its operating voltage? Is it just 5 volts, externally driven?

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  • I have 3 Pixhawks and have never bothered to hook up the buzzer on any of them. You get all the information you need from the LEDs. I don’t really know why the bother including it in the kit. I just plug it in, get a mavlink connection, push the arm button, and go fly.


    • True in many cases. And GS OSDs provide the same info. Still, I've found the buzzer useful. My problem is my Pixhawk is mounted under a protective platform which blocks clear view of the case LEDs and I don't really want to add the remote LEDs.

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