APM 1.0

Hi guys!


I'm kinda new to this website. I would like to ask advices from all you guys!


I have a APM 1.0 board with me I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I trying to make a quadcopter out of it but I need some help as I'm a first timer with this system.


I tried downloading Mission Planner. Which I had downloaded the latest, 1.2.30 but apparently it keeps giving me an error about the connection. I tried connecting the software with the board, stating it's conneting the MAV link? And it ended up No Heatbeat Packets Received. So both connections and firmware uploads fail.

So I guess is that my board is too old for the latest MP. And I did tried to download the older version. I found a 1.0.0 version and downloaded it, it's able to connect. However, when I tried to upload the quadrotor system, it always ended up with an error. It seems like there's no heatbeat as well..


I did download the Arduino driver so I know which port it is.. But the hardware and software seems to be not working properly.


So I would like to ask for advices from experts and professionals who are able to help me!

Like what software version to use. And any advices on how to make it into a quad rotor.


Thank you very much, I look forward to it.





MP 1.0.0.PNG

MP 1.0.0 Error.PNG


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  • Admin


    If your APM 1.0 board is an Atmel 1280, you are going to have problems because there is probably not sufficient memory for your firmware requirements.

    Just a thought.



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