APM 2.0 daughterboard hardware change?

I noticed that the ordering options for APM 2.0 in the diydrones store have changed. You can order the APM 2.0 with either the GPS or the magnetometer (but not both).

My order (from Dec 12) is still wait listed. 

Will I now have to choose between these two options or will I get a board with both the GPS and mag included?

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  • Moderator

    Further conjecture (and that is all I can offer personally thus far) is that there is a fourth daughter board, and that all four include the card slot. One includes the two sensors and the card slot, while two include only one of the sensors and a card slot, while the fourth includes only a card slot. 

  • Moderator

    That is not how I understand the ordering works for this product.

    Here is my understanding (my order is still "processing", so this is my interpretation.)

    You can order APM2.0. By default it comes with both the GPS and Magnetometer.

    As an option, you can order it without the GPS.

    As an option, you can order it without the Magnetometer.

    You could order it without BOTH the GPS and without the magnetometer.

    From this, I conclude that there are three different daughter boards available. The first (and default) includes both a GPS and magnetometer. Additional daughter boards (or add-on components, it need not be a daughter board per se) have either a GPS or a magnetometer. 

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