APM 2.23 with GPS only


Hi. I'm trying something a bit off of the norm with a very stable 3 meter sail plane and a generic Arduino Mega 2560 board. The only navigation on the proto board is a NMEA Gps connected to serial 2. I added the failsafe MUX and a PPM Encoder. So far everything appears to be working when I run the tests and setup routines, but when I put it in flight mode and switch from Manual mode to Stabilize or RTL all I get is a fixed pulse width to the servos and LED_C does not indicate a lock even though I can read perfect GPS data in test. When I setup the radio and test I get normal PWM values.


My gut feeling is that the problem is caused by the lack of the IMU sensors. Had anyone ever worked with this configuration or know if it's even possible? A gentle nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3D Robotics

    You're not using the APM hardware? Yikes. You're going to need to a lot of work with the code then. It's a big job, and I have no idea how you'd even start. There are a zillion things in the code that need the APM hardware. It makes my head hurt just thinking about it...

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