Does anyone know why my barometer (altitude) would be fluctuating so greatly when the aircraft is not even flying? I have it on a table in my house connected to the mission planner software. When I first connected the aircraft to my laptop I saw the altitude was about 5. After about 10-15 minutes of watching it, it has now climbed to 18.18. Any reason why? I have the same problem while flying. It goes up, then goes down, so I am always fighting it on the throttle. I assume the sensor is causing this problem.
I have tried covering the barometer with different things as I read on these boards. Tissue, black e-tape, both tape and tissue, a plastic cover over the entire apm, nothing seems to help the aircraft from dropping and rising while in flight. I am thinking about getting a wookong which my friend recommended. His hexa seems super stable even without a gps lock indoors.
Any thoughts or ideas?
I'm having the same issue. In sensor test mode im getting -100cm to +50 cm while the board is at rest. I emailed 3D robotics last night, I hope this is normal and not a defective sensor.