APM 2.5: Can't upload firmware; Content mistmatch


When I upload the ardurover fimrware to the apm 2.5 I get the error message
 avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

I'm using an external programmer (Diamex AVR) because i have fried the 2.5. (The board is not regonized anymore on my pc. I have fried the TS5A23157. I have replaced it but still not recognized. I've read that there is a chance to get the board programmed over ISP. This is what i'm trying now!)

I have added a new programmer in the Arduino IDE. This is the setting:

I have programmed an Arduino UNO and it works fine
I did the same with a sample program (compass tester with LCD output) on the APM 2.5. The upload works fine (avrdude: 19992 bytes of flash verified) but no output on the LCD. :-(

3 questions:
- Can the upload be sucessfull even if the board is "dead"? (Is there a sample to get something blink on the apm 2.5?)
- Why can't i upload the ardurover firmware? Is it too big?
- Should i buy a new apm or can i get it repaired?

Thanks for your help


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  • No feedback!

    I'll buy a new APM


  • Hi,

    In the meantime I have made some additional tests. I've tried to upload the bootloader but this failed. Btw, is the bootloader upload automatically using the programmer (in the arduino IDE), because for a sketch one can choose between "upload" and "upload using programmer"?

    I've uploaded the blink sketch and connected a led (and resistor) to the output. No sign of life!

    Any idea? Buy a new apm?



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