I'm sorry because I'm pretty sure this is a noob question. I have installed the ArduPlane V3.2.3 firmware on my APM 2.5, the parameter values I have set are in the attached file. The plane works perfectly in manual, stab and fbwa modes, but when i switch to RTL, Auto, Loiter etc the throttle is zero. The servos are all responsive in these modes (they move in the right directions when I tilt my aircraft) and throttle seems to be the only issue. I tried to reverse throttle but that only made made the motor spin at full speed and it doesn't change based on my stick inputs even in manual and stab mode so I figured that the throttle direction was correct. I then looked at the servo/motor OUT on channel 3 in manual mode, it follows the Radio IN command correctly, but in RTL, Auto, etc. the servo/motor OUT drops to the minimum value (RC calibrated minimum PWM). Also, I'm not using an airspeed sensor, and I have disabled it in the parameter tree. 

Any help on this would be really appreciated, can't wait to get this thing up and running. 

Sept 9th.param

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