
APM 2.5 Level gets corrupted - Logs attached.

Hi guys, I have a customer with strange level issue on APM 2.5... RMA or there is a fix for this? 

He purchased two Arducopter kits .  One flies flawlessly but there is a problem with the other.

I need your help to see what you can find in the logs... 

Here is what he experienced:  (I think they are on latest firmware 2.7.3 but not sure) 

I can fly it and it is pretty stable, but I have trouble calibrating the level. If I calibrate the level using the Mission planner, the artificial horizon  becomes straight on the display  as expected. However, if I perform the auto-trim function, the level becomes out of calibration againonce I land. If I recalibrate the level, the auto-trim is lost again.

I logged a short flight I did this morning to illustrate the problem. The log is attached to this message.

Log Comments:

Arducopter is immobile on the ground at  the beginning of the log

15:52:24 – Arducopter level performed, Arducopter still on the ground

15:52:32 – Arducopter armed, I keep the Yaw level to the right to start in-flight calibration Red led blinks

15:52:45 – The Arducopter is in flight, it is kept almost still in the air until the end of the flight. As the flight progresses, although the Arducopter is still in the air the Artificial horizon slowly drifts and shows that the Arducopter is far from level.

15:53:13 – End of the flight, The red led stopped blinking, indicated that the calibration is done before landing

After that, the Arducopter is on straight, motionless the ground but the level is now completely off calibration, the artificial horizon even continues to move.

Again, I purchased two identical Arducopter 3DR kits and only one is doing this, the other works flawlessly and the assembly is identical.

Note 1: I am flying indoors in a large garage, without GPS fix.

Note 2: There was also a GPS communication problem with this board hat was fixed by resoldering the GPS header.

Any help would be appreciated.

Logs attached. 


2012-09-06 15-51-44.tlog

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  • Developer

    By the way, there's a wiki page describing how I use the auto trim feature here.  Is this the way you're doing it?

  • Developer

    Dany, Chuck,

         So i had a look at the logs..I wonder if you're actually engaging the auto trim feature.  I think you are because I am seeing the accel_cal_x and accel_cal_y values change in the logs but what's confusing is that the raw pwm value for channel 7 barely changes.  When you calibrated your radio did you calibrate channel 7?



    Here's a graph of your roll and pitch and I think I can see what you're complaining about..that the pitch keeps changing pretty much from the moment you take-off until a bit after you land.



    If it's a hardware problem, it's not a super obvious one because your accel and gyros are producing values and they don't look too crazy to me.


    I guess you've gone into the cli menu and done a setup, reset and then rebooted your APM?  This will reset any parameters that might be causing the problem.  For example a very low AHRS_RP_P value could cause some trouble.


    Could you also try cranking up your AHRS_RP_P value to 0.4 (the default is 0.1).

  • Distributor

    Bump for some help?  Chris what do you think?   Guess will just RMA it and 3DR could have a look at what's wrong

  • Thanks Dany, 

    Yes, I confirm that I am flying version 2.7.3.


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