APM 2.5 not powering up via lipo

I got the adrucopter kit for xmas!  It was going together great until I got to the ESC calibration.

The APM powers up from the USB port, but it does not seem to power up from the power distribution board.  I have checked with a dmm and 5V is coming out of the power board, but the APM is not turning on.  Also the receiver and GPS are not turning on like they do when I power it from the USB port.  I did not install the separate power source jumper.

At this point I'm at a loss of what to try.  Could some experts suggest some things to try?

I'm a relatively technical guy and can understand simple digital circuits so feel free to suggest thinks for a person of that knowledge level.

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  • arghh wel i just pluged it all in , and nothing.....apm doesnt power up at all. i dont hav my multimeter here to check either so that suks. anyone got ideas ? do i have to actually charge the battery ? 

  • That was the problem, it's working now.  Once I get it running I'll be ordering a few more parts like this power module.  Thanks Chris!

    BTW - I just read your Makers Industrial Revolution book and think it was a great!

  • 3D Robotics

    If you're not using the APM 2.5+ Power Module, you must have the JP1 jumper on. Otherwise it will not get power from the PDB. 

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