apm 2.5 ppm/USB wont work HELP

ok so i was testing new video equipment. i had the apm plugged in through usb and power module. next time i tried it usb would not connect. the usb powers on the board and gps but wont be recognized by computer. i checked the other apm board to make sure it wasnt the cable. 

the ALIVE light is on strong but the TX RX lights are super dim and also the LED right next o the usb.

question is. what did i burn and can it be fixed?

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  • Can you connect via mission planner's terminal screen?
  • The SMD USB connectors have been known to dislodge/fall off/fail so a partial failure of the connectivity could cause your symptoms.  Check the continutity from one end of the cable to an appropriate pin on the board.  Use Eagle to view the board file and navigate your way around the board tracks.

    • the problem is not only with the usb but also just the ppm signal. if i plug in the battery. the apm wont respond to the tx inputs. this happens when i dont have the usb plugged in . just powered through the power module

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