Hi everyone,
I DON'T want to use the mission planner.
i use http://store.3drobotics.com/products/apm-2-5-kit . i want to write my own code to read the data from magnetometer,GPS, accelerometer etc. using arduino IDE.
1. The arduino IDE built for APM 2.5 + from http://ardupilot.com/downloads/?category=6 (Developer Tools) does not recognize the COM 4 port that i am using. It just shows COM 1 port which i am not using. So obviously i will have compiling errors. Does any body knows why this happened ? How can i fix this ?
2. So i went back to generic arduino IDE (http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software) from where i can select Arduino Mega 2560 and COM 4 port and a couple of sample codes run just fine. Should i continue to use this generic version ?
3. Where can get the source codes to read the data from magnetometer,GPS, accelerometer etc. using arduino IDE ? I also need to control a brushless motor later. Or where can i atleast get some help to start with ?
Did you identify the model of the APM that you are using by using the Ardupilot tab in the modified Arduino IDE header? You need to identify the model of the APM you are using with the Ardupilot tab, then restart the modified Arduino IDE and it should work for you then.