Hi guys, you are my last resort to fix this problem.  My APM will not throttle UP when failsafe is breached or operate when I manually turn to circle or RTL using my Turnigy Tx.  I realize plane is not going to respond when FS is breached but the throttle should kick in to get it to is programmed altitude.  I am using EZUHF Lite Tx and Rx.  Mission planner when hooked up to APM shows the FS breached when I turn the Tx off but the throttle output shows 0.  I have tried different versions of software but no luck.  Here is what I now have: Mission Planner v 3.4.0  and APM 2.5  v 3.2.1.  When plane is in manual or stabilize, all control surfaces work fine including motor but when circle or RTL are set or FS is breached the plane no longer responds whether is hooked up to MP or just on it own.  I have gone into the parameters and disabled any arming parameters. I have set the altitude to go to when in C or RTL to 300 feet.   I have also hooked up plane and let it get a gps fix and then moved plane several hundred feet away and 30 feet in elevation but plane would not throttle up in C or RTL.  We are thinking there is a bug in the APM but cannot fix it if this is the problem.

Can somebody please help us? HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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