APM 2.6 compass orientation


I need to mount the external GPS/Compass modul not in the "normal" direction so I like to ask you if I configure it the right way in the software. So my configuration looks like this:


And in the Mission Planer I se<t the paramter like this:


Is this right?



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  • Admin


    If you have the GPS/Compass module's arrow pointing to the front of the vehicle then you would want to select APM with external compass which rolls the compass Z axis 180 degrees because the compass on the GPS/Compass module is upside down compared to the normal mounting of the internal compass on the APM.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

  • This is correct.  The orientation of the external compass is in relation to the orientation of the APM, not of the vehicle's frame.

  • no one?

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