APM 2.6 disarms with GPS lock

Hey all, 

A quick question with hopefully an easy solution. This is my first APM unit. It is a 2.6 clone running 3.2.1 FW. I had it all set up and running this afternoon. Had the GPS mounted on the frame. It would arm and fly no prob. Had it dialed in pretty good. I did notice that loiter didnt work and RTL was hit or miss. It would work kind of once and then the next flight it would just drift off. 

I came home and added a mast to the GPS to get it higher and away from everything. I am not sure what I did but if I arm it in stabilise mode without a GPS lock it will arm and as soon as the GPS locks, it shuts down the APM. I tried recalibrating it, but that didnt seem to help. It also doesnt like to be done on the quad. The USB port even though it is tight disconnects randomly from MP.

I am sure I am overlooking something silly.

Thanks in advance,


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