Apm 2.6 from unmanned.co.uk? Real 3dr?


Apm from unmanned.co.uk is real 3dr? Or they sell the same china boards like dx.com or banggood.com? 

Don't trust those boards from china... Don't want to have trouble on start,  anyone buy from unmanned.co.uk?  They sell them on expensive price. 

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  • Distributor

    If you are referring to our website, yes we are an official 3DR partner for UK/Europe and sell the official 3DR ardupilot boards/ accessories.  If you have any questions please let me know!

  • Thank You all for the respond. Buying from 3dr store with shipping and tax is not the option for me. I can buy cheap things from China but not the important electronic like FC so that's why i was looking for trusted source for APM. The http://www.unmannedtechshop.co.uk  looks ok and You say it's ok so i buy from them :) 

    Best Regards!


  • I bought my first APM 2.6 direct from 3DR and the second from unmannedtechshop, Everything was identical.

    After taking into account the duty, VAT and additional handling fees (and hassle trying to prove that the electronics were zero rated for duty), there wasn't that much difference in price.


  • Do you mean http://www.unmannedtechshop.co.uk - if you do I believe they are official 3dr re-sellers. I've used them before and they were good. They have a user account here, send them a message if you've any concerns


  • Moderator

    You will as they don't sell boards who do you really mean??

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