APM 2.6 GPS Cables

Hi Guys

Just unpacked my latest 3DR shipment, and quite eager to start assembly line assembly of a few quads, and some y6 's too.

3DR already let me know that they supplied the incorrect screws for the motors, and are sending more, but I think I may have discovered a new problem, Of the 7 APM 2.6's I received , ALL of them have the following problem.

From the new LEA-6 GPS, there are 2 cables: the 4-pin to 4-pin I2C cable for the Mag, and the 6-pin to 5-pin cable for the GPS. On all my ones, they supplied a 6-pin to 6-pin and a 4-pin to 4-pin cable.

Am I missing something, or did they indeed supply the incorrect cable, (My suspicion)

Chris, if you are reading this, please halt shipment of the GPS units  and send out a bulletin until the correct cable is included.



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  • start from red cable

    1 to 1

    2 to 2


    cuz i'm so far away form usa, i don't thing they will send me new correct cable.

    Please help me

  • Be careful with the cables.  I had issues with the 4-pin cable.  See:  http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/apm-fails-to-arm 

    If possible, get both cables in case they have multiple problems.

  • 3D Robotics

    Wessie, yes, some of the early shipments did have a wrong cable and all customers are being sent replacements. They should arrive this week. The issue was resolved and current shipments should all be correct now. 

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