APM 2.6 GPS / Compass Cable...

I posted this earlier in another section, no response, so I've been snooping around some more. Have since deleted that "discussion"

I've been pulling my hair out looking at the eagle files for what is supposed to be the 3DR uBlox GPS with Compass, however the eagle files listed on the website are for the OLD GPS with no compass... Thought I was going insane - http://store.3drobotics.com/products/3dr-gps-ublox-with-compass

So, to reiterate...

Hey guys,

My APM 2.6 board shipped with the wrong cable (DF-13 6-6 pin connector instead of a 6 to 5 pin) used to connect the external GPS to the board. Luckily I had an extra telemetry cable sitting around (the 5-pin connector!) and am able to make the 6 to 5 myself.

Does anybody have a true DF13 6-5 pin connector sitting around that they can show me how the wires are connected between the plugs? A picture of the cable flat on a table is all I need.

I have the APM Eagle drawings, but I cannot find the correct GPS / Compass Eagle Drawings for reference... so either, a picture of the 6-5 cable or the correct eagle drawings.

Help! My quad has been sitting ready for a few days then I realized I had everything I needed.


(ps, I've done some extensive searching, and came across a few hopefuls, but couldn't draw any finite conclusions)

Thanks guys!


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  • Well the cable has arrived haha so the fun is over.

    Here's a picture either way... straight hook-up, reversed connectors.

    3dr, update your documentation (compass / gps eagle files). 


  • Anybody? Just need a picture of a cable...

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