Hello All,

Just went through a full setup on my APM 2.6, and reloaded the firmware, and did a full wizard setup in MP. Everything works and the LED's on the auto pilot show I am in normal mode with solid REDa and BLUE. So GPS and everything is working but no flight controls, no stick response for flying. Status shows it all the inputs are making it to the auto pilot and I see changes when moving the sticks, but only throttle works.

Thought I might be in ESC calibration Mode, so I enabled that and just did a calibration "All At Once" and it worked fine, and then set the start up to be normal again. still nothing changed. So, I have done everything I know how, and was wondering if someone could help a brother out.

I thank you in advance!


EDIT: With motors at idle, no control input was received for flight controls. When I throttled up a few notches, Wha La! I had full control! So I went in and adjust the minimum throttle rpm.


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