APM 2.6 mount orientation change

Hi All,

I've been building APM driven multirotors for a bit and this is my first try with an APM based plane, looking for a little help. 

Due to the tight space on my frame, it would really help if i could mount the APM as pictured below:


After researching seems like the parameter "AHRS_ORIENTATION" is the key, but before cutting into the foam, I am hoping you guys can point me in the right direction.

My questions:

-is this safe to do? 

-looks like the proper setting in this setup would be AHRS_ORIENTATION=2 (Yaw90). can anyone confirm?

thank you in advanced, any help would be greatly appreciated!



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  • hi,

    Yes, the AHRS_ORIENTATION will allow for mounting it with any rotation. Also, the tips I've gotten on this wing is to keep CG at 140mm from the nose. Still building mine, I'll post some pictures later.

  • Did you figure this out? I'm trying to figure out the same thing on my tbs Caipirinha

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