APM 2.6 no compass after 3.3v fix.

Hello, This is my first time with multicopters or Rc for that much. I built a 650 frame hexacopter and settled on a APM 2.6 for the flight controller(Naza was my other choice) since I know electronics and programming I figured I could handle it, plus I was thinking for the future. I just got the thing assembled and actually programmed the APM once (Yeah ONE TIME) but I had a lift off problem (would want to flip to one side immediately). The next time I tried to program it would not connect mavlink :-(. I would have returned the unit but it had been a while since I purchased it (was waiting for my battery from HK forever). So I read about the 3.3v regulator and I tested it (no voltage) and changed it out with a LM1117 (I'm good with electronics). Which I don't know why it took a crap cuz I never hooked up the usb and battery at the same time? Now I can connect with the mission planner and get through everything but the compass calibration? It says only three samples but nothing on the screen when I twist the copter around. Is the internal compass screwed? If so that sucks ($100 for a POS is very frustrating, should have got the naza).

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  • Got it. Connector bad. Now im stuck with 5 motors arming and one in the number 2 slot wont? Doesnt even matter what I plug into that slot it wont arm?

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