APM 2.6 not Arming

I've disabled Pre-Arm Safety Check, recalibrated the Radio (Turnigy 5x Mode 2, set to fixed wing mode), Accelerometer, External Compass + GPS, the GPS has 3D  Lock, Barometer is also fine, and the throttle is on its lowest position and rudder (CH 4, right?) is pushed to the right for ~6 sec., the battery is also ~90% charged (battery is 2200mAh 3S 20C Turnigy) and its voltage ~11.2v. Yet the board is still not arming.

In some other thread about APM not arming someone said

"Make sure you've pressed the button on APM."

What does that mean? I know there is a safety button on PX4/PixHawk but what did he mean by that.

One more thing, I'm building a tricopter, and the board is a clone (not Chinese) bought it from here, I know it says APM 2.52 but it is actually clone of 2.6, says in description. Bought the PM from there.

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