APM 2.6 please help


I have since few days an APM 2.6 klone , I have a problem to setting up the GPS-Compass ....

the kit arrived with a Gps (Ublox-6M) , I want to use the APM with an Multiplex Easystar 2 .

I installed mission planner and installed the correct software , but I have a problem to set up the GPS ,

do I need to to set roll 160 or 0 or YAW......

The GPS seems to work fine , after 30 seconds I have a fix lock with 9 sat .....I set up roll 160 , and I made a test I put the easystar outside with the head direction a house , but in mission plan the head of the easy star does not look direct the house ............why is that ? I am sure it has to do with this roll 160 ......can someone help me to fix this problem...




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  • FYI, this does not appear to be the case any more (at least for me!) I recently received a similar kit, and calibration, etc. seemed to work fine. I noticed after my first tries at auto mode, and basically anything other than stablize nothing was working properly. After a semi flyaway/crash last night I noticed that the properly mounted gps/compass was turning NE when pointing NW. Removing the default setting of 180 resolved the problem. Hopefully the rest of my mysterious problems will be corrected as well.

  • Hello

    Please read this page: http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-installing-3dr-ublox-gps-co...

    Here is the relevant section:

    • If the GPS / Magnetometer board is mounted in its correct direction (arrow pointing forward) and the Flight controller board is also mounted right side up with its arrow pointing forward, the (COMPASS_ORIENT) parameter will need to be set to (Roll 180) or “8” because the compass is upside down under the GPS modules antenna.

    As long as your board is pointing forward and is not upside down, and you have the GPS arrow also pointing forward, the correct setting is ROLL 180.

    Don't forget to re-calibrate your compass after making this change.


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