Hi, my problem is that I've managed to crash my quad I just built and it has no permanent damage but I would really like to find out what went wrong before I do a higher altitude flight. This is my first post in this forum so if I'm posting in the wrong group please point me in the right direction. Will try to include as much info as possible. 

Quad works great and I do 4-5 flights of around 5min to get comfortable with Stabilize and AltHold modes. Quad is rock solid, compass works fine and so does telemetry. However, when starting to play around with more faster pitch/roll movements, like going into althold mode and then having the copter fly back and forth 10 meters, or side to side, the copter will after a couple of times suddenly just flip and crash.

Frame: Aluminium frame from an old Kickstarter campaign
Controller: APM 2.6 with Arducopter 3.1.4
Motors: Turnigy D2836/9 950KV
ESC: DJI Opto 30A with stock firmware
Props: 10 x 4.5
Battery: Haiyin 2200mah 30-40C 
Extras: 3DR battery module, 3DR Telemetry kit, external compass/GPS,
Also got an additional 1000mah 3S lipo powering some LED rails but totally separare from the rest of the rig.

Weight is 1070g, I don't feel the quad is horribly over or under powered, it's snappy but not twitchy and I could probably add a camera mount without completely loading it down.

I've done what I can with the logs but can't really put my finger on what's going wrong. I get some warnings about GPS and Battery failsafe but I was not i a GPS mode and the BattFS is set quite hight and occurs after the whole flight is over. 

Test: Autotune = UNKNOWN - No ATUN log data
Test: Balance/Twist = GOOD -
Test: Brownout = GOOD -
Test: Compass = GOOD - No MAG data, unable to test mag_field interference

Test: Dupe Log Data = GOOD -
Test: Empty = GOOD -
Test: Event/Failsafe = FAIL - ERRs found: CRASH FS_BATT GPS_GLITCH GPS
Test: GPS = FAIL - GPS glitch errors found (7)
Min satellites: 0, Max HDop: 99.99
Test: IMU Mismatch = UNKNOWN - No IMU log data
Test: Parameters = GOOD -
Test: PM = GOOD -
Test: Pitch/Roll = FAIL - Roll (-167.83, line 10490) > maximum lean angle (45.00)
Test: Thrust = GOOD -
Test: VCC = WARN - VCC min/max diff 0.339v, should be <0.3v

I'm including the full log file as well as a pic of the quad. Have checked Roll vs. RollIn and can see that the radio inputs don't seem to be the problem but don't know where to take it froim there. Any help would be much appreciated!

[EDIT] I upgraded to the last firmware 3.2.1 and flew it one more time, and it crashed shortly after takeoff. I was in AltHold, it was stable and I then did a yaw maneuver when it suddenly flipped and crashed. I have attached this log to as
"2015-07-30 14-03-53.log". In this log I see nothing in the auto-analyze apart from it saying that it flipped: 

Test: Autotune = UNKNOWN - No ATUN log data
Test: Balance/Twist = GOOD -
Test: Brownout = GOOD -
Test: Compass = GOOD - No MAG data, unable to test mag_field interference

Test: Dupe Log Data = GOOD -
Test: Empty = GOOD -
Test: Event/Failsafe = GOOD -
Test: GPS = GOOD -
Test: IMU Mismatch = UNKNOWN - No IMU log data
Test: Parameters = GOOD -
Test: PM = GOOD -
Test: Pitch/Roll = FAIL - Roll (-168.05, line 1659) > maximum lean angle (45.00)
Test: Thrust = GOOD -
Test: VCC = GOOD -



2015-07-29 09-19-02.log


2015-07-30 14-03-53.log

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