I've build a quadrocopter using the apm 2.6 andpowerd it with a 4S Lipo.
I flew it several times with the trims set on my transmitter and it flew quite well but I hadn't optimized my PID-Settings, so it oscillated a bit some times but not to bad.
I then programmed my Transmitter for 6 flight modes, but even though it has GPS 3D fix it flew awa in Loiter and RTL untill I switched back to Stabilize and r´brought it back manually.
2 days ago I used the autotrim function to trim it without my transmitter and wanted to set the PID-Settings today.
But as I wanted to try out the differnt flight modes, which didn't work, I decided to fly a bit around.
When I just wanted to bring it back and land, it shutdown the motors mid flight for no apparent reason and didn't responseto any radio inputs, so it dropped right to the ground.
I checked the Lipo when I got home and that was still nearly full.
I tried to get something out of the .log files, but as I am new to using them I couldn't quite figure anything out from them.
So my question is, could anyone tell me why it shut down?
Thank you in advance!