Hey, I'm relatively new to the whole Quadcopter/Hexacopter thing.
I recently built a QAV250 with a APM 2.6 flight controller as a test setup before making the plunge and moving my F550 over to the APM.
The issue I'm having is when ever I come out of stabilize mode into anything remotely intelligent e.g. Land, RTL, AltHold, etc it goes a little unstable and then full throttle straight up into the sky. I tried running an autotune but it just does the same thing.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?!
Cheers, Tom
It is in a case, does it still need the foam?
Cheers, Tom
Without looking at the logs it's hard to tell. Most likely you have high vibrations on the Z axis.
Can you view the logs without the Telemetry? (telemetry was going to be me next post as it doesn't work!)
Cheers, Tom