today I set my first gimbal (pan/tilt) to my DIY quad with APM 2.6
It was flying beautiful before modifications for FPV and now I encountered some problems, first of all my Power module has gone.
My setup was no JP1 and Power module to give power to the board, GPS/mag, Rx, 3dr telemetry 433Mhz, and an arduino pro mini to convert mavlink to telemetry for D4R-II receiver. One BEC from one ESC to give power to the output (gimbal servos).
Then I added the Minimosd with soldered pad to take 5V from the board (no 12V current to the video side).
After that and some time making experiments my PModule stopped working.. No volts from the 5V pin..
But my board is ok and all the rest the same. Strange thing I made an amperage measurement with all connected and it uses about 400mAh.
But this is not the USB problem.
The USB problem comes by the addition of this little servo gimbal (boscam pan/tilt - I think it uses digital servos)
When I connect USB without lipo (now I use a BEC on Input and the JP1 is not plugged) my gimbal moves and trembles.
So I thought it was strange because as I understood without JP1 no current should arrive to the OUT positive rails..
So I took a multimeter and made some test.
Using USB without lipo (bec) I find 2,5V on the positive rail in the output pins and 1,5 on signal output.
3,5V are on the IN positive side..
With Lipo and without bec in the INPUT side, only one ESC-bec on the output side I measure 5,4V on the positive rail OUTPUT (of course..) 0V on signal and 0,8V on the positive rail in the input side..
With lipo and BEC on the INPUT side and no BEC on the ouput side I measure 5,34V on the input positive (of course) and 1V on the Output positive..
Is it normal???