APM 2.73 motors problem

Greetings to all!
Please help.
I replaced the receiver hexacopteren (Hitech optic7 + -> + Turnigy 9xr orange) and after arming the motors do not start at the same time. What can be the reason someone?

APM 2.73 firmware, I have included the logs



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  • It is not unusual to see motors not starting together especially if the hex is not level or for some reason thinks it needs to rotate a little bit. It may simply be trying to adjust itself, which of course it can only do by changing the relative speed of various motors. At very low throttle, this can manifest by one or more motors not starting at all. Perhaps the Rx is handling very low throttle inputs a bit differently than your previous receiver, or maybe you inadvertently changed the throttle trim. Try carefully to lift off the ground, just a little quick hop, and be ready to cut the throttle if it starts to flip over. Or if you are not comfortable doing that, tie it down and see what happens when you give it throttle. Hopefully you will find that nothing is actually wrong.

  • Excuse the misspelled version 2.9 x


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