0 Apm 2.8 3dr radio telementry Posted by Brandon Cackett on March 23, 2017 at 9:40am Hello new here! I am in the process of setting up my apm 2.8 and have tried to setup the radio telementry. But my issue is I have no idea what connectors go where for it other that the only wire that goes into the telementry slot on the board.I have this telementry located in the link in one of the pics.Thanks.http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/APM-2-8-Flight-Controller-NEO-6M-GPS-433MHZ-3DR-Radio-Telemetry-Power-Module-OSD-/152231412189?hash=item2371b301dd:g:HTgAAOSwax5YwnsK You need to be a member of diydrones to add comments! Join diydrones Email me when people reply – Follow