Hi all, hope you've had a merry Christmas.

I'm having my brain bent by a problem with APM on a Pixhawk and I just can't resolve it. Normally I find fixes for any issues I have on here or elsewhere but this has me stumped. The problem is in the title. 

The ESCs are Turnigy FY30A flashed with SimonK. I forget which version but it was the latest approx six months ago. Endpoints are set on the Taranis so all inputs go from 1000-2000. This is checked in MP with the throttle showing full range and the TX has been calibrated over and over and over again. The ESCs are calibrated (several times) and run smoothly through the full throttle range when connected to the RX only, but when being controlled by the Pix I get full throttle at 50% stick and no further increase above that. Added to this is the motors emitting a beep every second or so that stops when the board is armed. The board arms fine, the motors spin up fine, current problem notwithstanding, the RTL failsafe works when the TX is switched off. Basically it's ready to maiden and tune except for this throttle issue.

Any help is much appreciated.


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  • Here's a video of the auto and semi-auto calibration procedure failing. So far I've completely reset the APM board by flashing Arduplane and then flashing Copter. Hopefully this has removed the possibility that a change I may have made was causing the problem. I've created a new model on my Taranis with all endpoints set to default.

  • I made a video of this issue that hopefully explains the problem better.

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