APM arming problem...


I have an APM 2.6 that I bought about a year ago and that I am now trying to get running with a quad build.

I flashed the new copter firmware and gone through the basic setup and everything seems to be working fine, but I am having a hard time arming it.

The problem is it works all right only when the APM is connected to my computer by usb. If I disconnect the usb cable, it won't arm the motors. Most of the time when I hold throttle right (to arm), motors will spin like half a second and just stop.

Sometimes it will arm normally and motors will spin, but after a few seconds it just disarms itself and motors stop.

It's weird, because when the usb cable it plugged it (in addition to my lipo), it arms and works just fine!

First thought was that my battery was too low, but the lipo checks OK and I tried with another battery and it does the same.

I'm full of hope, because everything seems to be alright when the USB cable is plugged in, so my board is probably ok.. I hope!!

Please any advice would be appreciated... 


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  • Mathieu,

    It is normal for it to time out after arming if the throttle is not raised for take-off. Your battery failsafe setting may be stopping it from arming when not connected to USB.

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