APM Availability

Hi, I've been reading the info on here for a few days now, trying to make an educated decision on what to buy for the build of my first UAV. I have decided to go with the APM and APM IMU.

Does anyone have any idea when the APM is going to be available again?

I see that everything I have on my wish list is available except the ArduPilot Mega.

There's a lot to take in here, and a ton of great info. Being a complete newbie makes it a bit difficult, but I think I'm starting to get a grip on everything that's needed and how to hook it all up.

Thanks for all the info, and I hope I have posted this in an appropriate area.


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  • I just went to buy my electronics, ardupilotmega etc and they're all gone again, this time it says not available for backorder on the APM.. Does this mean they will not be available any more. no female x2 servo cables, fdti cables, xbee's. ???

    Is there something we should know, or that I missed?

    Anyone know when all these will be available again? Is this site related to sparkfun, or should I be asking these questions over there? And why is it we can't buy the ardupilot mega and IMU both here instead of incurring 2x shipping charges?

    I know... so many questions, but that's what us newbies do.. that's how we grow to become active members that can answer newbie questions when they come up.. LOL.


  • Great, thanks..
    Here's hoping they are..
  • 3D Robotics
    APM should be back in stock at Sparkfun in a week or so.
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