APM burning out


I have something strange on my copter.

my APM burnt right after connecting batteries to the power module.


what I mean to say by burnt is I have no more com port detected and APM green light stays on but other lights off. when I click reset blue light blink twice (C) and orange once (B) then nothing.


on the RC side I have receiver with Signal only except ch7 which has 3 cables to power the receiver.

on output side I have a 3DR hexa distribution board so only signal out.


is it possible that an ESC is creating a short circuit? or is it a defective power module?

with power on, all ESC seems to respond...


any clue what is going wrong here?


on my first APM fuse was burnt out. this time it is not burnt but I can see heat pcb around it.


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  • The 3DR power module doesn't sound very reliable. Am I missing something?

  • ok found out the issue that burnt both my apm... it was a defective power module sending full voltage... damn it!

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