APM development under Eclipse


i would like to ask if somebody here knows how to setup all that environment settings in eclipse (helios)

to get the APM project at least compileable.

I tried to do something in arduino, but it is so simple that even the line numbers can't be visible...

So i decided to use arduino  only for make a build - target and upload code to APM board and of course serial monitor.

First i added includes in eclipse c++ project but still get scanner error on first line of code in ArduPilotMega.pde -> FastSerialPort0(Serial);

In fact it is not a big problem because i'd like to have eclipse only as conformal editor of c code, but anyway...

Has anybody here working environment of APM project in eclipse?

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  • There's also a tutorial on the Arduino site about using an Eclipse environment. I got it working for simple sketches, but not for APM. In the end it looked like I would have to come up with a Makefile for APM. It was 3 am, so I went to bed instead. I figured my time was better spend building an airframe.
  • There is a bit on this subject in the APM manual.





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