APM Drone doesn't act the way i seen in videos.

It's taken me a long time (since feb) to finally get all the parts that were needed to build my APM drone. But yesterday i finally got it together and in the air the first day YAY!

I Followed videos on youtube how to calibrate the apm, and HK 30a UBEC speed controllers. The GPS connects very quickly (almost instantly) when outside. Yesterday i was flying it i flew it towards my peach trees (30 yards away). When it arrived at the location i tried the RTL function. When i did that it went full throttle and went straight up in the air!!!

Drone is Neewer flamewheel

APM 2.8

Ublox Neo-6M GPS

Turnigy iA6 Receiver 6CH 2.4G AFHDS 2A Receiver

Transmitter is the turnigy tgy-i6

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  • After try RTL, test alt hold, if all works well, test loiter, if all work well, then try RTL but check what altitude RTL settings your  copter have, if you are flying lower, the copter is going to climb.

    First of all, read carefully first fly instructions http://copter.ardupilot.com/

    OSD is for FPV, telemetry is very usefull to connect with your computer, tablet or phone, try to install  http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-telemetry-landingpage/

  • It went full throttle? Or just started to climb up? Default RTL behavior is to climb up to desired height and only then navigate home.

  • Edit: There is more parts that came with the APM 2.8 kit.

    MAVLink-OSD V2.0 x1
    3DR Radio Telemetry Kit 915Mhz x1

    But didn't install them because from what i gathered it's only needed for FPV?

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