I received my soldered and flashed APM few weeks back. I tried it today ( in non cli mode). I am able to connect to the GCS, however immediately after I connect, the whole setup seems to hangs ( GCS warns that the connection has been lost). I see similar behavior when I connect using the Mission Planner.
When it does disconnect I see the following message in the status terminal window which opens with the mission planner.
HUD e 59 661
MAVLINK: wait timeout btr 19 32
remote lost 61697
Request stream MAV_DATA_EXTENDED STATUS at 10Hz: currently 0
I was wondering what is it that I am doing wrong? Is this a h/w issue. I tried this on a different computer and still I see the same behavior. Please advice. I would appreciate any help as at this point I am stuck. I also notice that the TX led still flashing on the APM when it hangs.
Thanks you very much for your quick response. I did flash the APM, and now it works fine. Earlier even the LED's were not blinking as they should. But now it is fine. I am using Windows XP to program it.
Evin though you said you bought a pre soldered and flashed Ardupilot Mega, it might be best as Chris suggested to try to re upload the latest firmware as this might fix the problem.
Have you tried to connect using the Mission planner after you have uploaded the latest firmware? I would recommend trying to connect first with the Mission Planner as it is specific for Ardupilot Mega, and is constantly being updated.
What PC and OS are you running on?
Let us know how you get on