APM in a Local Meetup in NYC

We just had a local meetup with bunch of enthusiasts showing what everybody have done with their flying helis, mulitis, and whatever that flies. The wind gust was horrible, but we had lot of fun sharing ideas and what everyone have done and what each controller's capabilities.

That's me showing how I mount the APM2 on my heli and what problem it had and has.  My hexacopter with DJI is also on the table.


Showing the APM Mission Planner:


That's another person showing the telemetry on his macbook about his quad with ArduPilot Mega 2560.


And then he had to look for his quad in a near by trees after he lost orientation of his quad that he thought he was flying it in simple mode (but apparently was not. :))


Here is a video of 3 of us flying our multicopters together. The middle one is mine, with hands free of course. :)  (unfortunately, none of those are with APM)


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  • Developer

    Looking good!  No need to apologize about no APM.  DIYDrones was not originally intended to only be about arducopter.  It's about all personal UAVs!

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