APM - log wrong date


 I am trying to geo tag some pictures and realised that my logs are offset by 6 days in the future.

 What is the best way to fix this, any ideas?

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  • Hi Duffy, geo tag is not working with 2.77 or 2.78b. I upgraded from 2.73 and after hours of tunning and test, I have to downgrade to 2.73 again just because now gps logging is different and geo ref is not working, and I haven't find a workaround to this.

    I have the same 6 days offset, and GPS timeMS is not updating as in 2.73... 

    It's very difficult to work this way...

  • Hi Duffy,

    There seems to be a bug in the code as I am also experiencing the same problem as you are.


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