At Airborne Projects we have developed a APM MavLink to FrSky SmartPort Converter6 based on the Arduino Nano, designed and tested with the Navio in mind, allowing for connection through the USB port of the Raspberry PI. Even so it also works with the Pixhawk and the Mega APM.

We initially designed it for ourselves because the alternative, as also mentioned on this forum was a Teensy, which not only is not open source friendly but is also very expensive.

Our project features full compatibility with typical RC voltages(5V-10V) because we made a modification to use a more efficient and better voltage regulator than the ones found on stock Arduino Nano.

The code is open source, and you can build and modify it to your heart's desire but we offer you a wrapped version with pre-loaded firmware and voltage regulators so that all you have to do is plug it to your Taranis's SmartPort and your Navio on the hardware side. No weird inverters or searching for UART cables.

On the software side you only need to load the telemetry files and configure the telemetry data of your Navio in Mission Planner. We have also prepared a manual with all the steps.

The code is based on Scott Flys', with bug fixes and streamlining. The new features are based on requests of our pilot:

  • True verification of arming status directly from the correct heartbeat flag MAV_MODE_FLAG_SAFETY_ARMED.
  • Verification of arming status from the correct heartbeat sys_id
  • An ArrowHead with Relative heading regarding arming orientation, so you can always know where your aircraft is pointing regarding it's arming position in real time.

To top it off we have also prepared a manual to make sure everything works as intended. Even so we monitor this forum and will help people if they require.

You can find the code's repository in github. We have also taken pictures of the finished product:


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  • Hello Pavel, While this runs on the arduino micro controller, this is not an arduino project. You need to clone the project and generate the hex file first like with make frsky_telemetry.hex Then you can use the XLoader.exe to put the generated binary into the board.

  • Good afternoon! I downloaded the original year of the project, but I can not compile it. There is no .ino file in the archive. Please tell me where can I download the full version?

  • We have added support for OpenTX 2.1.3 in our scripts and converters.

This reply was deleted.


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