I am having problems getting a lock using APM and MTK GPS.  One question, if the mtk GPS is ordered separately from the MTK adapter does it come with the custom DIY firmware?  If it does not come with the firmware could someone point me to the thread on updating the firmware?  I know I have seen that thread but could not find it again.

I am using the latest APM software.
I have selected the correct GPS in the code.
I don't have the GPS hooked to the IMU.

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  • I finally got the correct firmware loaded on the MTK gps but I am still unable to obtain a GPS lock on the APM. The AP and gps have been sitting outside for probably 45 min. Any ideals?
  • Well after trying to load the new MTK firmware and getting nowhere fast, I brought out the Ublox and tried it out with the APM, got an instant lock :( I wonder if the MTK adapter could be faulty? Its not going to be fun getting the MTK off that adapter board since its already been soldered.
  • Admin

    Ask and you shall receive: http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot/wiki/MediaTek

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