APM not recognizing GPS lock

Hello All,


I've searched around, and found a lot of discussions on the MTEK GPS and APM.


I've tried everything I know to try, and am at a dead end.


I have the MTEK with NO BATTERY.  I successfully reflashed the unit by soldering pins onto it, and hooking it up to my FTDI cable.  "Green Donut".


Using miniGPS, I get accurate data when my baud rate is at 38400, and I'm connected to USB.


I've seen Chris mention that the code re-sets the GPS module on every boot, so I'm not sure how the 38400 in miniGPS relates to the 115200 I think APM is expecting.


Connected to the APM, I get a good solid blue LED on the GPS unit, but no red LED on the shield.


Any tips on what to try next?


Thank you!





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  • 115200? Do we really do that on APM? On regular AP, (not APM) with fewer serial ports, it is necessary to run everything at the same speed, which, for people with Xbees, might be 115200. 


    In APM file "setup", Serial1 is set to 38400.


    In the mediatek "Init" Serial1 is set to 38400, then it is sent the command to binary mode:



    Sorry, this may help your understanding, but I don't think it will get the lock passed to APM, unless you somewhere set the baud rate to 115200.


    Have you done the reset after lock trick?

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