APM Planer can't connecto to APM (arcudopter firmware)

I've been using APM few months ago with success. Connected via Xbee or USB.

Latter I've updated the board firmware and can't connect to board anymore.

Now tried to install Arducopter 2.0.45 Beta and it went OK. But can't connect in APM Planner too.

Here is a printscreen what do I get (timeout):

apmy.jpgTotally confused now. Was anything changed since older version? (few months ago).

Now tried Mission planer versions 1.00.66 and 1.0076 with the same result.
Thanks for any input and idea!


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  • Guys,

     I am back with my problem. I am using it, but.. Take a loot at video how do I start it up(twisting between boards):


    pass: ardu

    Any ideas where is cold solder? or somewhere else I should take a look, tried resolder all pins between both boards.

    thanks in advance!


  • Guys I've found what is wrong with my connection. Actually connection isn't problem. The problem is that somewhere is a cold solder or so. Because then I power up the APM, LEDs on Oilpan (A, B, C) doesn't light up. Then I start pressing boards some times somewhere cold solder or etc touches and OilPan powers UP. I can't find the exact place where do I press, sometimes it power then I pres aside, sometimes on other side..
    Does anyone know that pin is for that power up purpose? Because I have always blue LED on Oilpan "ON" close to CLI switch OK (Power comes to it). Maybe someone has came up with the same issue?

    That board worked fine few months ago, now maybe corrosion or etc did the job?

    Thanks for any advice!


  • I am just thinking about option: RTL launches then battery reaches preset amount or few % has left? You don't need to worry about running out of power?


  • Finally, I got it working. Went to another computer (win xp) and got it working there (actually not in first try, but went OK).

    Now back to my windows 7 :) Installed com drivers (FTDI) and reinstalled new ones - no success. Finally checked on MP file properties: run as Windows xp sp3 and it just started to work.

    Another question is for clever users :) How can I change serial bound rate in MP (not uploading via Arduino IDE)?

    Thanks Mike for help!!!


  • Still no changes :(

    uploaded a small sample. then checked the MP, code is gone in the APM.

    Uploaded back with Arduino IDE (Arducopter 2.0.45) and it does the same. Went through whole setup..



  • Moderator

    I have a theory that this might result from the way the new firmware requires a setup before it will play nice, but I have not been able to replicate the state, so I cannot test the theory. And everyone that I have talked about with this problem also had some other problems, like physical cabling/wiring/soldering issues, non-erased eeprom, etc

  • Moderator

    Or, if you want a quick test, connect to the CLI, and perform a setup, starting with erase, then radio, then level and frame, at least. Then make sure MP is up to date. Then switch back to flight and see if you can connect.

  • Moderator

    You will certainly want to be using the latest MP version to use 2.0.45, I'm pretty sure that 1.0.66 is not intended to be compatible with 2.0.45.


    There have been a few reports of these CRC errors preventing MAVlink communications, but I have not been able to find a common cause. 


    Try upgrading to the latest MP, and try erasing the eeprom via the CLI. Then, reload the firmware 2.0.45, and go through the entire setup process, erase/default, radio, modes, everything. See if that helps.



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