APM Planner 2.0 for traditional heli


Being on ArchLinux, I had to compile APM Planner 2.0.  Regarding traditional heli configuration, the wiki refers only to Windows Mission Planner. I cannot find the equivalent "heli setup" screen in APM Planner.

Am I stuck with Linux ?


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  • Hey guys, I'll be working with Bill Bonney on getting tradheli support into APM2 shortly.

    • Would be happy to get rid of my Windows VM ! Thanks

    • That would be great, thanks very much for your work Rob!

  • I think so, I haven't found any info about tradheli on APM Planner 2.0 since it came out, so I haven't used it anymore, but it's still pretty good for gound station once you have done the setup in Windows.

    • Thanks Xin. I started MP 1.3 .15 in a WinXP VM and could access to the Heli Setup menu. In fact most of the screens look like the APMPlanner 2.0.

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