APM Planner 2 custom widget

This may be the wrong place as I am using APM Planner (because Linux), but I'm not sure where else to put it.

I am curious as to whether anyone knows a quick way to add a browser window as one of the "custom widget" windows that you can create. My video feed comes in via wifi (tested solid out to at least a half mile with negligible latency) and can be accessed by the <ip address of my copter>/cam.jpg.

Currently I have a "blank widget" to take up screen space, and I run the browser window on top of APM Planner 2. This will work provided I don't end up wanting to click on anything.

Also if I can open this window INSIDE the GS software, I can increase the resolution of my video a little farther since I won't have to deal with the address bar and such. Right now I can muster approximately 960 x 540, though the top and bottom are a little clipped.

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  • Developer

    You can create a widget that contains only a QWebKit view, which cna be configured to show a paticular webpage. I did something similar for a work-in-progress to show html pages for help system.

    see https://github.com/billbonney/apm_planner/commit/e77384a06cbdffef3d...

    The above changes are a little more complicated, but you can certainly achieve what you are asking for 

    Prototype of "APM Assistant" help widget · billbonney/apm_planner@e77384a
    APM Planner Ground Control Station (Qt). Contribute to billbonney/apm_planner development by creating an account on GitHub.
    • Thank you!  That's the sort of thing I was looking for!

      It looks like I have a little bit of learning to do to set this up, but it is awesome that I can get the functionality that I need.

      I'll have to play with it once I get some time to sit down with the copter and the laptop.  I'm sure I'll have more questions then.

      Thanks again!

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