APM Planner/MissionPlanner Mavlink Mystery

Working with a PX4 and Mission Planner, it "threw a wobbly" and started refusing the MAVLINK connection.

Since I had APM Planner2 sitting on the desktop I tried that and it made connection at the same COM port with the same cable.

I started by installing firmware under APM Planner and that seemed to go OK. It still won't connect to MP.

As far as I can see the lights on the PX4 are normal for a "bare" USB plugged in device. I can see red/yellow on the main LED and the little ACT blue LED is flashing away about 2/sec.

The PX4 was doing fine in terms of calibration up to the point where I was trying to spin the motors, when it went AWOL.

Should I be thinking of the boot loader? I don't imagine there is any fundamental hardware problem, and it's a mystery why is seems to MAVLINK to AMP Planner but not Mission Planner. (Is it a MAVLINK to APM Planner?)

Any clues gratefully latched onto!

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