APM Planner OSX Menu problems


I use APM Planner 2.0.15 for OSX.  I have this annoying issue where the menus open about 6 inches above where they should be.  If I have the window positioned near the top of the screen, you do not see the options at all.  For example, see the serial port menu in the attached screenshot.  This seems to happen on all the menus all the time for me.  Does anyone know a way to fix it?  I am running Yosemite.



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  • Developer
    This is a known issue, though I don't see it. Try updating to 2.0.16/7 and see if that fixes it. We should have a qt5.4.1 based build which does fix it, but adds some other issues ;-)
    • Hi Bill,

      Thanks for the quick response!  I just built 2.0.17 from source (are there binaries available?) using Qt 5.2.1.  Unfortunately, I get the same behavior.  Digging around in the Qt forums, I suspect it is related to this:


      I've not done a ton of testing, but it would appear that if my external monitor is disconnected, it works fine.  Only when it is connected do I see the issue.  I should mention that though the Qt report mentions retina displays, mine is not.  It would appear that this should be fixed with Qt 5.3.x.  Any reason not to give that a shot?


      [QTBUG-36672] Mac OS: Regression: Dialog positions are much farther up than expected when multiple…
      • Developer

        It's fixed in Qt5.4, but 5.4 added a crash in the serial port layer. I'm hoping 5.4.1 fixes that issue. Try downloading Qt5.4.1 and building tom source. It runs OK if you build it yourself (it just the packaged downloaded version of APM Planner 2.0 that had the problem with serial port crashing)


        • APM Planner 2.0.17 built using Qt 5.4.1 seems to resolve the menu issue, but I was unable to connect over serial: "Error opening port.  No such file or directory" followed by a crash.  So it looks like 5.4.1 still has that problem.

          • Developer

            And I have just tested linux, and this issue is with OS X only. It seems the opening of the serial port with the 'short name' for the port fails on OS X.

            I haven't tested windows yet 

            • HI all. I can, win7 and have same problem.
              I don't know what to do.
              Back to old version does not works.
              Thank you for your advices.

          • Developer

            No, that is a different error in my quick testing. Somebody in there wisdom has changed the behaviour of the QSerialPort to require the full device name /dev/cu.usbmodem1 now instead of the abbreviated usbmodem1. Try enter the full device name and you should be able to connect. it worked for me.

            The other crash is only seen if you package your app using macdeployqt to create the full APM Planner 2.0.app package

            • Developer

              and here's the fix that will go into Qt5.5 


              Grrr... how irritating :-D 

              • Developer

                I've pushed a fix to master for this issue. Please try. Thx

                • Thanks again for the quick help with this.  I confirm that master from this morning compiled with Qt 5.4.1 resolves it for me.  Can you comment how different master is from 2.0.17?  I am looking essentially for an indication of how "safe" it is to be running this.  Thanks!

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